Civic Education Resources

American Board of Trial Advocates- Classroom resources focusing on the Constitution, the judicial system, and civic engagement. Materials focus on “inspiring civics,” “decoding the news,” “major court cases,” The Constitution, Federal and State Courts, Judicial Independence, the Magna Carta, Separation of powers, and Trial by Jury.


Annenberg Learner- Political science resources focusing on democracy in America, electoral politics, federal deficits, judicial elections, public trust and private interests, state government, and The Constitution.


Teaching American History- Core documents collection features letters, speeches, books, and articles from the colonial era through the modern era. The Civil Rights collection includes the writings of Marcus Garvey, Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X, Ralph Ellison, and more.


Teaching American History- The American Founding collection focuses on the Constitutional Convention, the Federalist-Anti Federalist Debates, the Ratification of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and more.


The Bill of Rights Institute- A wide range of resources including videos from founding documents, quotations, constitutional principles, American civic principles, to materials on civil disobedience.


Center for Action Civics- A model for action civics featuring curriculum and resources for promoting student voice and agency in the classroom and beyond.


Center for Civic Education- Lesson plans and resources on a wide range of topics and issues from 9/11 and the Constitution, voting, women’s history, black history, and more.  


Choices Program- Brown University’s education initiative that connects classrooms to news headlines featuring videos and lessons on a range of controversial and contemporary topics such as U.S.-China trade tensions, transgender issues, immigration, gerrymandering, election interference, the Syrian crisis, ethnic cleansing, and more.


Civics Renewal Network- Resources on citizenship, the branches of government, courts, media literacy, state/local government, and rights and responsibilities of government organized by grade level appropriateness.


Constitute Project- A database of constitutions from across the globe with search tools to navigate and identify features of constitutions such as amendments, national identity, elections, rights and duties, and principles and symbols. A global and comparative approach to exploring governing principles and founding documents.


Constitutional Rights Foundation- Lessons that promote critical thinking and interactive learning around topics and problems with a civics emphasis such as school violence, the War in Iraq, terrorism, refugees, Supreme Court cases, and more.


Constitutional Rights Foundation Educating about Immigration- An issue-focused approach to studying immigration that includes laws, history, and the voices of immigrants past and present.


The Constitutional Sources Project- a user-friendly, searchable database of documents, lesson plans, and videos focusing on the Constitution.


C-Span Classroom- Lesson plans and resources designed around C-SPAN coverage and video footage.


The Library of Congress’ Congress, Civic Participation, and Primary Source Projects- A series of projects featuring Library of Congress source material.


National Endowment for the Humanities- Over four hundred searchable lessons and materials on history and social studies.


NewseumED- Resources that explore media literacy with contemporary issues and problems related to civic themes and topics.


Oyez- Provides case history and summaries of Supreme Court cases.


United States Courts Educational Resources- Resources that focus on the Supreme Court but also state and local courts.